Protea & Fynbos 19 (Sylvia & Aloe)
19-cupcake bouquet
All the colours and flowers of the Cape! An arrangement of 19 hand-piped floral cupcakes, presented in a wrapped bouquet, featuring King, Sylvia and yellow Pincushion Protea as well as cute little Aloes. Available in all vanilla, all chocolate or a mix of vanilla and chocolate sponge (select choice below). All orders subject to availability on date selected - NB: no order is confirmed until invoiced and paid in full. Local orders collection only from Hout Bay between 4-5pm on date selected - if required earlier in the day, please order for the day before. Delivery only offered for orders placed outside Cape Town, where delivery address is within 15kms of Hout Bay for which a flat fee of R150 will be charged. Optional gift tag available - please write a short message in the Notes section below.R1700.00